Innocent Spouse Tax Relief Attorney Prairie Village, KS
When you are married, there are two types of tax liability that can ultimately affect you: tax debt your spouse incurred prior to your marriage and debt occurring as a result of filing a joint tax return. When a joint return is filed, you and your spouse are jointly and individually liable for the tax, penalties and interest due on the return, even if you later divorce. However, if you discover that you owe taxes as (a) a result of a former or current spouse’s liability, (b) a spouse’s dishonesty on a tax return, or (c) if your tax refund has been seized by the IRS due to a former spouse’s tax liability, there’s a good chance you would qualify for spousal relief, which may get you off the hook for the taxes, interest and penalties. However, it’s important to know that this isn’t always as cut and dried a process as it may seem. There are procedural limitations and often very private matters involving spousal abuse that the IRS must take into account. Siegel Tax Law will aggressively and discreetly work to help you receive the Innocent Spouse Relief you deserve.